


Game Engine Development: Viridian [C++]

Given a graphics framework, I built up a 3D game engine from scratch in the Microsoft Visual Studios IDE. In this game engine I implemented modular architecture via design patterns such as singleton,command pattern, and visitor pattern. I built simple systems for game objects, scenes, update, draw, input, terrain, and collisions (Axis Aligned Bounding Box, Object Oriented Bounding Box, Bounding Sphere). I created a custom linear algebra library used to calculate collisions as well as made debugging tools for displaying collider visualization.



Using my optimization techniques, I applied them to existing visual studios c++ projects to boost their performance. Highlights include; reworked data structures to improve memory usage and data caching, enchanced vector and matrix math library by using SIMD, developed custom heap-based memory system to overload new and delete/malloc and free operators, refactored code to remove impilicit conversions, applied return value optmization, and refacored a particle system.


Depaul University Capstone Project: Gaze [c++] (Work in Progress)

For my capstone project at Depaul University, I am working in a group to create a polished vertical slice of a a game over the span of two quarters (six months).  The Game concept is that you play as a constellation creature/celestial being who uses the stars from within to shoot out into objects to make them move. The game is a 3D puzzle platformer and the basic premise revolves around rebuilding broken constellations. For this project I am working as a systems and gameplay programmer.


Independent Study Game Project: Snow Angel [C#]

Snow Angel is a game I worked on as a gameplay and systems programmer for an independent study in fall 2017 and as a group project from the summer, for a total of six months. The goal was to create a game suitable for festival submissions.


Depaul UNIVERSITY Global Game Jam 2017: Life's a Beach[C#]

This game was created in the span of a mere 48 hours and it won "Best Overall Game" at the Depaul University jam site. the theme of the jam was "Waves" so my team and I created a game about hermit crabs trying to find the biggest shell that could protect them from the incoming waves. I worked mainly as a gameplay programmer for this project.